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resignation of a right

См. также в других словарях:

  • resignation — I (passive acceptance) noun acquiescence, animus submissus, capitulation, deference, docility, endurance, fatalism, forbearance, fortitude, lack of complaint, lack of resistance, longanimity, meekness, nonresistance, obedience, passiveness,… …   Law dictionary

  • resignation — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Giving up Nouns 1. resignation, demission, retirement, abdication, withdrawal, surrender, quitting; relinquishment. See submission. 2. resignedness, patience, forbearance, long suffering, sufferance,… …   English dictionary for students

  • Resignation from the British House of Commons — Members of Parliament sitting in the House of Commons in the United Kingdom are technically forbidden to resign. In order to circumvent this prohibition, a legal fiction is used. Appointment to an office of profit under the Crown disqualifies an… …   Wikipedia

  • resignation of public office — A well recognized right. 43 Am J1st Pub Of § 166. A relinquishment of a part of the term of a public office with intent accompanied by an act of relinquishment. 43 Am J1st Pub Of § 165. To give up, to give back the office with intent to… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Mitterand and the far right — François Mitterrand and the far right has been the theme of a number of books, films and television programmes since 1990, which has created many column inches and much debate not to mention rumours and gossip. Pierre Péan s book published in… …   Wikipedia

  • Mitterrand and the far right — François Mitterrand and the far right has been the theme of a number of books, films and television programmes since 1990, generating many column inches and much debate, not to mention rumours and gossip. Pierre Péan s book published in 1994[1]… …   Wikipedia

  • 1945 Prime Minister's Resignation Honours — The 1945 Prime Minister s Resignation Honours were announced on 14 August 1945 to mark the resignation of Prime Minister Winston Churchill, following the success of the Labour Party in the 1945 General Election. [ The Times , 14 August 1945, p4.] …   Wikipedia

  • Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right — CEDA redirects here. For other uses, see CEDA (disambiguation). Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas Leader …   Wikipedia

  • The Right — Infobox Italian political party name english = The Right leader = leader1 title = Secretary leader1 name = Francesco Storace leader2 title = President leader2 name = Teodoro Buontempo leader3 title = leader3 name = leader4 title = leader4 name =… …   Wikipedia

  • Richard M. Nixon: Resignation from the Presidency — ▪ Primary Source       Following the release of the tape transcripts on August 5, 1974, many members of Congress urged the President to resign to save the country the ordeal of a protracted debate on impeachment in the House and a trial in the… …   Universalium

  • all right — I. adjective Date: 1819 1. satisfactory, agreeable < whatever you decide is all right with me > 2. safe, well < he was ill but he s all right now > 3. good, pleasing often used as a generalized term of approval < an …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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